PHOTOHOPE 2022 – October 2

Hello Photohomies! September and October are Mental Health Months! And on October 2nd, we’ll be climbing Tokyo Tower, with our pals and our cameras, in the spirit of goodwill! Our goal will be to use our passion for photography to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being, to destigmatize mental illness, and to acknowledge of the number lives lost to suicide in Japan last year. We’ll be fundraising support for organizations committed to these issues, including TELL – Tokyo English Life Line! We’re happy for you to join us for “PhotoHope 2022  – The Tokyo Tower Climb for Suicide […]

PHOTOPEACE 2022 – May 29th

Photo Walk and Gallery Hop for Peace across Shinjuku – Sunday, May 29th (International Day of PeaceKeepers) / 写真の力でピースにする: 新宿でフォトウォークとギャラリー巡り – 5月29日 日曜日 (国連平和維持要員の国際デー) From Totem Pole Photo Gallery to Peace Carillon Tower in Shinjuku Chuo Park / トーテムポールフォトギャラリーから、新宿中央公園の平和の鐘まで Start 開始時間 – 10:30am – End 終了時間 – 6:00pm / Participation Fee ¥3,000 / 参加費 ¥3,000 How to Participate / 参加方法 Let us know you’re coming by signing up below (and/or consider contributing a peace-inspired image to our ongoing Campaign for Peace Leading up to the event):以下リンクから参加申込をする。(現在平和について考える投稿を毎日行なっていますので、何かインスパイアできる画像があればアップロードしてください) Prepare a recommended ¥3000 cash contribution at reception.参加費の3,000円を現金で受付でお支払いください。 Come to Totem Pole Photo […]

PHOTOHOHOHO 2021 – December 18th

How to Participate / 参加方法 Rally some friends to walk with!一緒に歩く友達を探す! Get a holiday hat, warm scarf and gloves, an ugly sweater, and a camera! Like this:暖かい帽子、マフラー、手袋、(ベタな)セーター、そしてカメラを用意してください。見本はコチラ: Let us know you’re coming by signing up below:以下リンクから参加申込をする: Make a minimum ¥2000 contribution by Bank Transfer or pledge bringing cash to reception (see below “Make a Contribution”)参加費として、2,000円からの寄付にご協力ください。当日現金払いか銀行振り込みを選べます。(詳細は「寄付について」をご参照ください)Come to Totem Pole Photo Gallery at 3pm on December 18th to receive free film(see below) 12月18日3pmからTotem Pole Photo Galleryで受付開始!受付終了後、フィルムを無料で受け取る (フィルム詳細は以下) – PHOTOHOHOHO! – Let us know you’re coming! * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Address – If you […]

PHOTOHOPE 2021 – October 10, 2021

PHOTOHOPE – October 10, 2021 A Community Photowalk Across Tokyo for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Totem Pole Photo Gallery to Sensoji via Tokyo Tower UPDATE: Thanks for coming everybody! Amazing event! Full report coimng soon. In the meantime, fill out the PHOTOHOPE 2021 – Feedback Survey where you can also upload images! HOT OFF THE PRESS! PHOTOHOPE 2021 NEWSLETTER with all the Photowalk details in both English and Japanese 🙂 Quick Guide: 1. Register to take TELL’s Step up Challenge here: Let us know you’re coming by signing up here (or form below): Be at Totem […]

Photohoku 50

The first time we arrived in Tohoku, we had nothing but a beat-up camera, some expired instant film, and a few good intentions. Not having any idea of what to expect, or how to even go about what we hoped to accomplish, to give photos rather than just to take them, we just went on the wings of a prayer. 10 years later, with 50 photo-giving efforts behind us, we are carried north again on the wind of literally hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters, all of whom have been instrumental in restoring a sense of normalcy to […]

PechaKucha Sessions – INSPIRE Japan – 10 Years of Creative Initiatives

PK Sessions – INSPIRE Japan – 10 Years of Creative InitiativesJoin PechaKucha Founders, Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, Photohomies Yuko Yoshikawa and Brian Scott Peterson, and Iwate-based sculptors Kate Thomson Hironori Katagiri as they gather online for a PechaKucha INSPIRE Session with presentations and discussions on how their various volunteer projects (HOME-FOR-ALL, Photohoku, and Postcard to/from Japan, respectively) live on and how PechaKucha played instrumental roles in each of the projects.PechaKucha INSPIRE Sessionが開催されます!P echaKuchaファウンダーのマーク・ダイサム、アストリッド・クライン、Photohokuの吉川優子、ブライアン・スコット・ピーターソン、岩手で活動する彫刻家のケイト・トムソン、片桐宏典がオンラインで集い、それぞれのボランティアプロジェクト(HOME-FOR-ALL、Photohoku、ポストカードプロジェクト)のプレゼンテーションを行います。プレゼンテーションの後は全員でのディスカッションの時間も設けています。ぜひご視聴ください!Engage with presenters by registering for the Zoom Webinar linked below. 以下からZoomウェビナーにご登録の上、ご参加ください。… March 1110:00 JST01:00 GMTMarch 1020:00 EST17:00 PST Presentations and discussions on things we […]

Family Portrait – 10th Spring, Morioka, Iwate – Exhibition

Photohomies! The biggest earthquake since 2011 rattled Japan this weekend, stirring up memories of THE big one in Tohoku 10 years ago. We checked in with a few of our Tohoku pals and everything seems mostly ok. Hearts go out to all were shaken with uncertainly and especially to the little ones for whom these moments are so frightening. 2020 threw a wrench in Photohoku’s gears and the circumstances remain a challenge for us all. A few of our planned efforts were postponed and postponed again, but we’re happy to announce we’re still committed as ever (more news on […]

Photohoku 49

8 years on and still rawking, our 49th Photohoku effort took us to the cities of Soma and Shinchi in beautiful Fukushima last weekend. We departed Friday night with two families in tow, arriving on the outskirts of Iwaki for a night’s rest at an amazing 270 year-old (!!!) farmhouse-turned-AirB&B. This was the second time we’ve encountered a very old structure in the region whose traditional construction, design, and material seems to have saved it from the fate that leveled many more modern buildings that surrounded it. It was called Gamphouse and the host we super lovely and accommodating […]

Tokyo Tower Climb 2019

Tokyo Tower Climb 2019 – IN THE BOOKS! DUN AND DUSTED! Herculean effort by a crack squad of PhotoHomies who rallied to the cause for World Suicide Prevention Day! Together, we lugged an offensive amount of photo gear up Tokyo Tower’s 600 stairs, taking a step to destigmatize depression and mental health care. We came. We saw. We made photos. We kicked some ass. Goddamn Heroes, this posse, every one of them. Champions of the World! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! And to everyone who supported us OTSUKARE!!!!!

My Invincible Compass

Our friend Matt Miller, who is the grandson of a Japanese woman and an American G.I. whose son (Matt’s father), unfortunately, had to be given up to institutional care, like many children born during the war and subsequent US occupation. To understand his father’s past, Matt came to Japan to look for his biological roots and uncovered a story with as much heart as heartbreak. Through this journey, Matt decided to dedicate his heart to kids who, like his father, face the complicated circumstances of life in orphanages without parents. And on that path a special kid names Tomoya […]

Forever in an instant, 8 years ago

Forever in an instant, 8 years ago today, for so many in Japan, life was irreversibly turned upside down. Lives lost, livelihoods gone, but not the will to live. While nothing can replace such unfathomable loss, so much good will and brotherly and sisterly love has blossomed from this tragedy that one can’t help but to be uplifted by the human spirit found in the hearts and smiles of the people of Tōhoku who never stop reminding us what’s most important in life: eachother. Through the Photohoku project, which continues today (and started with the two images here), we […]

Photohoku 47 – Yarushikanebe Festival – 8th and Final Festival

Last weekend, for the 7th year in a row (possibly 8th), and for Photohoku’s 47th photo-giving activity, we participated in Shinchimachi’s annual local summer festival called the “Yarushikanebe Matsuri” (やるしかねぇべ祭実行委員会), which in a very local Tohoku dialect roughly translates something like “The ‘Nothing-left-to-do-now-but-have-a-festival’ Festival” which started after the big 2011 Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami. It’s our annual summer blowout and this year was no exception. It was billed as the last year of the festival (who knows what next year will bring) but that didn’t stop 15 of us caravanning from Tokyo toting 8 adults, 7 kids, 3 big […]

The Tokyo Tower Climb – for World Suicide Prevention Day, 2017

Brian here. The Tokyo Tower Climb last weekend for World Suicide Prevention day and Tokyo English Life Line was a super success. It was great to get behind such a worthy cause and make some raucous about mental health, something that most definitely needs more attention. Got me thinking about Photohoku too, even though this technically wasn’t a Photohoku activity. Basically photography in a humanitarian capacity has traditionally been used as a way to shed light on the plight of a bad situation, bringing attention to people and circumstances that need addressing. Photohoku has been a bit different in […]

Photohoku 41 – 5-Year Anniversary of Tohoku EarthQuake and Disaster

The 5-year anniversary of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami this weekend led Yuko and I back to the very spot where we started Photohoku. We came to Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture back in September of 2011 with just a simple idea, to make a few new family photos for families who might have lost theirs. Little did we know that we were embarking on what has likely become a life-long journey and community of people, profoundly changing our hearts, and hopefully touching many more. After a handful of special moments in those first few efforts, we began to understand […]

Photohoku Summer Tour

PHOTOHOKUxPECHAKUCHA – SUMMER TOUR 2015! Team A: 10 volunteers from 7/29 – 8/2 (Thur-Sat) Team B: 20 volunteers from 7/31-8/2 (Sat-Sun) 7/29 WED <Team A> Kick-off Party and Presentation at PechaKucha Tokyo 7/30 THU <Team A> Depart Tokyo -(6:00) Arrival at Home-for-all, Iwanuma (11:30) – “Photohoku Day” (13:00-16:30) – “PechaKucha Night” (18:00-20:00) – “After-Show Onsen” (20:30-22:00) – Stay at Iwanuma 7/31 FRI <Team A> Depart Iwanuma (8:00) Arrive Ishinomaki – Home-for-all, Soma (10:00) – “Tohoku Recovery Tour” (10:00-11:00) – “Photohoku Day” (13:00-16:30) – “PechaKucha Night” (18:00-20:00) – “After-Show Onsen” (20:30-22:00) – Stay at Shinchimachi City <Team B> […]

Living Dreams Photography Workshop

Here’s a little peek of Photohoku‘s recent team-up with Living, Touchy, and Satoshi Aoki. We’re working together on an initiative called Digital Natives thats focussed on children’s homes, and hopes to close an opportunity gap between students who can’t live with their parents, and their peers who can. Most of these kids are not technically orphans per se, but for whatever unique circumstances each child has, they all live together, away from their homes, and as a likely result of that stress, they’re coming out of school several steps behind their peers. So the goal of Living Dreams and this particular Digital […]

NPO Registration

Hey Photohoku Community! Brian here. Need your help! Photohoku has been steadily moving forward year by year but recently we got some unexpected strong winds beneath our wings and its time to position ourselves to “level-up”. Our vision on moving forward is clear as day, while the perfect storm of collaboration and synergy is right in front of us, and we need some stuff to happen to make the most of all of it. The first thing we need to do (and I’m talking not totally knowledgeable about this stuff) is to officially set up as an NPO. I […]

Photohoku is Teaming up with Living Dreams (and Touchy again!)

Photohoku had the great privilege this weekend of working along side some incredibly passionate and talented people who are dedicated to helping orphans in Japan. We spent all day Sunday sharing our love for photography with children at two local orphanages in Tokyo, St Josephs Home (聖ヨゼフホーム ) and Kiyose Kodomo-no-ie (清瀬 子供の家 – The event was hosted by whose current program “Digital Natives” is empowering orphans with technology (computers, tablets, cameras). Our job was to capture their imagination though photography, spark them to get creative with us, and inspire their interest in technology. Our very good friend and […]

Photohoku Shinnenkai New Years Party

A reminder to all our Photohomies! This weekend is our annual Shinnenkai New Year’s Party! Anybody and everybody is invited, those who’ve been, those who want to go, just friends of friends, past/future collaborators, you’re all welcome to join! We would like an approximate head count so please kindly let us know if you will come so we can plan! I think anybody can join/RSVP on the FB event but if you need an invite, ping us! This Sunday, Feb 15th 下北沢never never land in Shimokitazawa, 14:00-17:00 Nijikai After Party at: かまいキッチン KAMAY KITCHEN 17:00-19:00 ¥1000 for snacks and first drink. ¥500 […]

AIS Grade 7 Art & Photohoku



Photohoku, very gratefully, was invited back to guest lecture a class for a gracious and inquisitive group of 7th graders in an International Baccalaureate program at the American International School of Kuwait. Thanks guys! It was a lot of fun! Lets make Photohoku in Kuwait!!! WOOHOO!!!