Hello Photohomies!
September and October are Mental Health Months! And on October 2nd, we’ll be climbing Tokyo Tower, with our pals and our cameras, in the spirit of goodwill! Our goal will be to use our passion for photography to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being, to destigmatize mental illness, and to acknowledge of the number lives lost to suicide in Japan last year. We’ll be fundraising support for organizations committed to these issues, including TELL – Tokyo English Life Line!
We’re happy for you to join us for “PhotoHope 2022 – The Tokyo Tower Climb for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health – October 2nd!” The theme of World Suicide Prevention Day this year is “Creating Hope through Action” …so let’s take some ACTION! PHOTOGRAPHERS UNITE FOR MENTAL HEALTH!!!
Climb Tokyo Tokyo’s iconic 600 steps to the top where we can take some AMAZING PHOTOS! And collect 5 FREE rolls of film from Photohoku’s Special Stash at the TOP!
How to participate:
1. Register for the walk as individuals for ¥4000 – https://www.tellevents.org/events/tokyo-tower-climb-2022 (in the Team Field write “PhotoHope” (…or Photohoku)
2. Sign up here to let us know you’re coming so we can make sure to have film for you: https://bit.ly/photohope_2022_tokyo_tower_climb_signup
3. Come to Tokyo Tower before 7am on October 2nd (and keep updated on Photohoku’s/Brian’s feeds.)
Please join this campaign for Mental Health and tag posts with #PhotoHope2022. We’ll spotlight posts that inspire on @Photohoku and @brianscottpeterson. Please share!
Keep Updated here 最新情報はこちらから: http://photohoku.org/photohope-2022-october-2/